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up 2022.05.16

【English follows Japanese.】
同アプリはアイコンとしてジャパンハートのロゴを無断加工した画像と「Japan Heart」という文字を使い、アプリ内でもジャパンハート公式ウェブサイトの写真を盗用・ジャパンハートのロゴを使用しジャパンハートの公式ウェブサイトへのリンクを設置するなど、ジャパンハートが寄付を集めるために作ったアプリを装っています。アプリ内では専用クレジットを購入してゲームや宝くじへの参加、「ジャパンハートへの寄付」とされるものを奨励するなど、課金を求める仕組みとなっています。








CAUTION with spoofed emails disguised as Japan Heart

Dear all the supporters,Since April 2022, a spoof application that pretends to be a product of our organization has been reported in Thailand. The application used a modified version of the “JAPAN HEART” organization logo and the words “Japan Heart.” It also uses photographs on our website without permission to make it look like the application has a connection with us.
Japan Heart, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free medical care in Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos, is not aware of the usage or modification of this logo. The publisher of the application has never contacted the organization.Some people confirmed that they received emails that advertised this application.
A typical email contained text such as “Please send money to Japan Heart’s account” and a link to the application.
Others claimed that they saw advertisements for this application on Twitter or Youtube.This application urges the users to buy credits to join a lottery or play a game and donate to Japan Heart via the application. As we mentioned above, the organization is not concerned with this application, and we cannot receive any donation from this application or the publisher.As of Mai 1st, 2022, Japan Heart does not run a project nor fundraising activities in Thailand.
Furthermore, we never send emails to individuals in this manner and request money transfers.Although no case has been reported outside of Thailand, such emails might appear in our active areas: Japan, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos.
If you receive a suspicious email, please delete it immediately without opening it, referring to the attached file, or clicking on its URL. Those emails have a high risk of fundraising fraud, virus infection, or inducement to a phishing site.
If you have any doubts about the authenticity of the emails, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.To prevent further injuries and recurrence of incidents of the same nature, we will conduct investigations and strengthen our information security measures in cooperation with Japanese
Consulate in Thailand and the authorities of the Kingdom of Thailand. We welcome any information concerning this fraudulent application.We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you again for your continuous support for Japan Heart.